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reality tv show中文是什么意思

用"reality tv show"造句"reality tv show"怎么读"reality tv show" in a sentence


  • 真人秀


  • As the host of the hit reality tv show
  • As the host of the hit reality tv show
  • We ' re from a new reality tv show . it ' s called bounty squad
  • A perfectly rendered reality tv show atmosphere , reusing all the gimmicks of the genre
  • You ' re a wanna - be singer in a reality tv show searching for the music industry ' s next big star
  • I believe that i am meant to be in china right now and that i was meant to have this opportunity to be on a national reality tv show to launch my career
  • It ' s crazy to think that all of my class mates are still at school right now in america , and i ' m here in china on a national reality tv show
  • Martha stewart , who spent five months in a federal prison for lying to investigators about a personal stock trade , has agreed to do a version of the reality tv show , " the apprentice , " starring donald trump
  • " some people say clothes make the man , but the right clothes can even replace him , " fashion designer , stylist and tv personality carson kressley from the reality tv show " queer eye for the straight guy " said in a statement accompanying the poll
    美国时装设计师卡森?克? ?笔q就此次调查发表感言说: “常言道,人靠衣装,但合适的衣服甚至会改变一个人。 ”
  • " some people say clothes make the man , but the right clothes can even replace him , " fashion designer , stylist and tv personality carson kressley from the reality tv show " queer eye for the straight guy " said in a statement accompanying the poll
    美国时装设计师卡森?克里斯利就此次调查发表感言说: “常言道,人靠衣装,但合适的衣服甚至会改变一个人。 ”
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"reality tv show"造句  


  • reality tv show 意味
  • reality tv showとは意味リアリティーテレビ番組{ばんぐみ}、現実直視{げんじつ ちょくし}テレビ、覗き見テレビ◆役者が演じるドラマではなくて、一般人の現実の様子やプライバシーを撮ったホームビデオで構成される低予算のテレビ番組。
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